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Heid's piano accompaniment deserves commendation as well, as Wagner wrote equally challenging music for both performers; Heid followed Lain's rubato and inflections effortlessly, providing a solid foundation for the soloist to bloom.

Emmeline MacMillan,

"This is a proper point in the program to salute the powerful foundation provided by Heid’s piano. Here, that instrument was a near equal partner in establishing the somber mood. Throughout the recital this accompanist seemed supportive and totally responsive to the singer’s dramatic intent."
Paul Williams,


"...the songs not surprisingly have terrific parts for the keyboardist, who on this occasion was none other than the redoubtable David Heid, who can pour as much emotion into a little prelude or postlude as most orchestras manage in a whole night of noisy warhorses."

John Lambert,


"An even more critical element in a recital is the partnering with other musicians, and when you have the likes of David Heid available to you, everything else seems easier. Well-known to Triangle audiences and beyond as an accompanist par-excellence, Heid has a remarkable sensitivity to all the elements of a co-performance such as this."

Ken Hoover,


"Heid came into his own here, the ringing chords and glowing melodies expansively filling the auditorium."
Roy Dicks, News & Observer (Raleigh, NC)


Heid dazzled from start to finish, making the interludes mini-cadenzas of breath-taking brilliance.
John Lambert,


"Throughout the program, the piano part was rendered masterfully and with clean articulation and refined dynamics and phrasing by David Heid."
William Thomas Walker,


"Heid's partnership was outstanding; even in an area where sensitive accompanying is very much the norm, his artistry stands out as distinguished and particularly engaging."
John Lambert, Spectator Online


"...pianist David Heid, whose work here in the Triangle has served to elevate by more than a few notches the art of accompanying, particularly when it comes to voice recitals."
John Lambert, The Spectator


"Heid, with years of impressive experience as both accompanist and vocal coach, was eloquent and poetic in his playing and supported but did not intrude on the vocalist. "
Jeffrey Rossman,

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